My Mission is to support
individuals to evolve in
consciousness - one step at a time.

Through education and
, I help people to make
better decisions and create the life
they want!

Grace Laxmi Lim, B.B.A., was born and raised in the Philippines. After graduating high school, she left for the United States to attend college, where she graduated with a business degree in marketing.

After a few years of business admin work, she decided to heed her spiritual calling, where she spent two years with Dr. Francisco Coll, who founded the Inner Peace Movement in 1962, an organization dedicated to peace from within. There, she learned more deeply about her true identity, gifts, and how to connect and communicate with others consciously. Grace is an instructor and consultant with the Inner Peace Movement.

Grace Laxmi Lim, B.B.A., was born and raised in the Philippines. After graduating high school, she left for the United States to attend college, where she graduated with a business degree in marketing.

After a few years of business admin work, she decided to heed her spiritual calling, where she spent two years with Dr. Francisco Coll, who founded the Inner Peace Movement in 1962, an organization dedicated to peace from within. There, she learned more deeply about her true identity, gifts, and how to connect and communicate with others consciously. Grace is an instructor and consultant with the Inner Peace Movement.

Today, she actively shares, through coaching and workshop facilitation, helping people discover their authentic selves and deeper soul calling.

Her vast professional experiences and training include:

  • Vice President of Rainbow Land Development Corporation.

  • Marketing services manager within a growth investments firm

  • Certified workshop facilitator with Dr. Sue Morter’s Energy Codes and Remote Healing.

  • Certification in process with Marci Shimoff’s Happy for No Reason.

  • Graduate from the California Culinary Academy to pursue her love of cooking, which she continues to love to do today

  • Honesty

    Authenticity and integrity with self and all of life

  • Learning

    A deep devotion to curiosity, and a desire to grow, to learn, and to evolve

  • Creatorship

    Being in harmony with love. Fully involving and expressing one’s self

  • Open to Possibilities

    Embracing expansion, innovation, flow and freedom

  • Community

    Living with joy and accountability to mankind and Life — we are all in this together